ORIGINAL INCIDENT The entire Nation was stunned when Shahrukh Khan’s son, Aryan Khan was arrested and kept in judicial custody for more than 3 weeks for consuming prohibited drugs. Mr Sameer Wankhede is a Dalit IRS officer hailing from a family of Muslims. He is a Law Enforcement Officer with an active service record of effecting more seizures and initiating prosecutions. When he was a Collector of Air customs in Mumbai, he was shot into prominence because he stopped and detained (for a short while), many influential members of Bollywood. Subsequent to the arrest of Mr Khan and a few more high-profile arrests, the Government of Maharashtra initiated proceedings for the revocation of the SC certificate issued to him. The matter was duly transferred to the National SC Commission for examination of wrongdoing or malpractice in Mr Sameer Wankhede becoming an IRS officer under the SC quota. He was exonerated. Apparently earlier, when his father was an Excise Inspector in th...
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