1. In another blog, I discussed about the evil effects of invasive alien plant species. This time for a change I will discuss about one of our home grown domestic evils namely stray dogs in the human habitation. As a child, the locality in which I lived had humans, cows, bulls, oxen, buffaloes, birds, rats, goats, pigs, fishes and many others. Amongst them dogs have a predominant position. After all, dogs figure among the earliest of the domesticated animals of humanity. 2. When I was a college student I remember that most of us used to pack our food from home. Everyone will have an identified space for us to have our lunch. That there will be sharing and exchanges. One of the uninvited guest of such occasions were stray dogs. I am talking about those days when most of the strays were not administered anti rabies vaccines as Municipal Corporations routinely do these dogs. Not too many veterinary doctors know anything ...
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