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Indian Foreign Policy: The Sri Lankan Challenge and Tamil Nationalism

1. BJP government has, for the second time, captured political power to govern India for another five years. Though the Southern States of Andhra Pradesh and Kerala have rejected the BJP outright, the election results from Telangana and Karnataka are encouraging to the BJP. The state of Tamil Nadu has not only ignored BJP as a political party, but also punished the regional political parties such as PMK, DMDK and the dominant AIADMK for their allegiance to BJP’s political leadership. The voters made it clear that the types of Mr.H. Raja and Mr.S. Ve. Sekar are persona non grata for them. The Tamil voters were upset with BjP for the following:
a) The BJP’s failure to exempt Tamil Nadu from NEET examination.
b) Unreasonable delay in the constitution of Cauvery Water Management Brand.
c) Conversion of Cauvery Delta into Hydro Carbon Zone
d) Implementation of Neutrino, Koodamkulam atomic power plant,  Chennai- Salem Seven lane highway etc.
e) Political proximity of with Vedantha group that Rums Sterlite Copper Smelter at Tuticorian.
f) Construction of Marine Container at Colachal, Kanyakumari,
 The passing of the 124th Constitutional Amendment providing for a 10% reservation for the poor among Open General Quota People (OGQP) did not work in Tamil Nadu though the North Indian States welcomed it.
2. Since, there was no eligible MP from the AIADMK led BJP alliance of the state of Tamil Nadu, (for the first time) the state will go without a representative in the Union Cabinet or in the Council of State Ministers. This is unusual and peculiar. Though Mrs. Nirmala Sitharaman grew up in Tamil Nadu, later she was domiciled in Andhra Pradesh and Gujarat before her induction in the cabinet. Now she is a Rajya Sabha MP from Karnataka. The other person who surprised everybody was Mr. Jaishankar IFS (retired). It seems that BJP is insisting that the AIADMK to nominate him for the Rajya Sabha from Tamil Nadu. It is another matter that he is a Delhi Tamil whose father originally hailed from Trichi, but even he spent most of his time in Delhi. Actually, Mr. S. Jaishankar is a global Indian who can speak Tamil. 
3. With recorded and documented cultural, linguistic and political history of at least 3000 years, the Tamils have always considered themselves different from rest of India. Even the great Indian Emperors like Ashoka and Aurangzeb thought it fit not to subjugate them and allowed them to be independent sovereign states. The Cholas of the 10th century followed the Sea Turtles, established sea routes and began colonizing states like Sri Lanka, Thailand, Cambodia, Indonesia etc. The Angkor Wats of Cambodia and the unique culture of Bali islands are proof of Chola colonization. After the fall of the traditional Chola, Chera, Pandaya Kingdoms, the Telegu Nayaks became the rulers of South India. Very soon, Marathas and British followed. The ancient Tamil language which is distinct from other contemporary languages, was the mother of many other Dravidian languages such as Kannada, Telegu and Malayalam. The Tamils have traded with Egypt, Greeks and Romans. Christianity and Islam first came to South India(Read Tamil India) even before the Europe had heard about these religions. Long before the entry of the Aryans into India, the record of South Indians in Political, cultural and civilizational parameters is very good. India before advent of Hinduism, Christianity and Islam, India as we know today, had three major religions. They are Aaseevagam, Jainism (Digambar and Shwetambar), and Buddhism. The period between the first century CE and the seventh century is a mysterious period in Indian history. One can safely assume that there was a clash between the Aryan Hindu religion and the native religions. Between the tenth century and the fifteenth century, Muslims influenced Indian Governance in a big way. From the sixteenth century to the twentieth century, Christians values influenced the system of governance. Because of all these factors,  most of the South Indians thought and acted differently from the rest of India.
4. The first local government established under the Government of India Act 1919 in Madras Presidency was by the Justice Party. This party though it does not exist today, evolved into the Dravidar Kazhagam (DK). Though DK exists even today, in many splinter groups, it is not active in electoral politics. Some members of Dravidar Kazhagam started a new party DMK, which had become a permanent fixture in Tamil Politics. The Justice party, for the first time in the social and political history of India, fought against caste-based discrimination and the superior status enjoyed by Brahmins and the Sanskrit language. This party introduced the system of caste-based reservations which has become an important pillar of the social justice edifice in India. Actually, the Justice Party was founded by people, who linguistically identified themselves as Malayalis (Keralites) Telegus and Kannadigas. Mr.Rajaji, subsequently who became the first Governor General of the Union of India, tried to introduce Hindi as compulsory language in the Madras presidency in 1937. There were violent agitations resulting in the purge of Sanskrit influence in the regional Tamil.
5. After Independence, the Congress ruled Tamil Nadu just for 20 years. They again tried to increase the importance of Hindi during 1960’s. The DMK organized a state wise agitation against the three-language formula and captured political power in the divided state of Tamil Nadu which was once a part of Madras Presidency. Since then, none of the mainstream national political parties of India have had a significant political presence in the state of Tamil Nadu.
6. In many respects, Tamil Nadu is a reasonably well administered political entity in the Union of India. It performs better than most of the states, in terms of the Human Development Index. Tamil Nadu did not witness communal riots soon after Partition. Tamil Nadu has implemented reservation for Backward classes in an admirable way. All the Muslims have been declared as OBC in Tamilnadu. The Backward Class leaders play a dominant role in all Tamil Nadu regional parties. The empowerment of ST/SC in Tamil Nadu is much better than the national average and but its record is not so good as Backward Class empowerment. The Congress is also a spent force in Tamil Nadu though it has ten Lok Sabha MPs (in the current Parliament) from Tamil Nadu. This is due to the successful political alliance with regional parties. If the Congress contests alone, most of its candidates will forfeit their earnest  ELECTORAL money deposit. In fact, MOST will receive even fewer votes than NOTA.

7. Tamils perceive that National parties are pro-Hindi Aryan parties. Many Tamils perceive themselves as Dravidians, notwithstanding other ethnic and linguistic influences in their genetic pool. In fact, soon after India became independent, Dravidiar Kazhagam (DK) wanted Tamil Nadu to become a separate state. In fact, the Justice Party even petitioned the British Crown to continue the Madras Presidency as Protectorate of the United Kingdom. Subsequently, the political descendants of Justice Party and Dravidar Kazhagam gave up the demand for a separate Tamil Nadu state. Successful empowerment of backward classes thru Reservation, economic development, and  implementation of Land Reforms legislations have made Tamil Nadu one among the top five state in Independent India. It contributes 40 members to the Lok Sabha. Earlier, the Tamil identity was perceived as Dravidian identity and the inhabitants of Tamil Nadu had no problem whatsoever with the people of other South Indian languages. For example, Tamil Nadu had Chief Ministers who are of Telugu, Malayali, and Kannadiga origin. But this inclusiveness suffered a major blow when the Tamils in Sri Lanka started facing linguistic and religious persecution. Nowadays, we are witnessing a “pure Tamil nationalism” that seeks to remove the influence of people of Telugu, Kannada and Malayali origin.
8. In International relations, you can choose your friends and identify the enemies. But you cannot choose your neighbours. Geography and the territorial boundaries would decide that. The Tamils relationship with Sri Lanka dates back at least to 25 centuries. The first known Singhalese King is ethnically of a Odiya or Bengali origin. Thereafter (or before), the Emperor Ashoka had deputed his sister to propagate Buddhism in Sri Lanka. Most of the South Indian Kings such as the Cholas, Cheras and Pandayas had traditionally enjoyed linguistic, cultural and even matrimonial links with Sri Lanka. Subsequently, the descendants of the Vijaynagara empire established an independent kingdom at Kandi, Sri Lanka. When the British came to India, they transported many Tamilians to the Central Districts of Sri Lanka as they needed a disciplined labour force to develop their plantations. These Tamils had been residing there for more than 200 years (at least 8 to 10 generations). Yet, the Sri Lankan government continues to treat them as stateless Tamils and expected India to take them back even though the planation Tamils do not desire that. The Tamils in the northern part of Sri Lanka even according to Mahavamsa Emperor Vijaya’s reign is about or before 20 centuries. People in the eastern region of Sri Lanka are also Tamils but with a difference. They adopted a non-Wahabi Islamic faith, which at earlier times condoned  even idol worship. Sri Lanka was first colonized by the Dutch and thereafter the British took over. The colonial masters over a period of time have always adopted “Divide and Rule” policy.  Some of the Sri Lankan Tamil, Of late Singalese people converted them to Christianity. When the British left Sri Lanka,during 1949, Jaffna Tamils and eastern Muslim Tamils enjoyed  in Srilanka much better socio- economic and political status in comparison with the majority Singhalese. The position of central planation Tamils was pathetic as they were treated as second class stateless inhabitants by the whole of Sri Lanka.
9. Naturally, the majority Singhalese population resented to the situation. The Singhalese and the Tamils were also divided by language and religion. Buddhism is the official religion of Sri Lanka. But in India, if you are a Buddhist, under the Indian Personal law you are a Hindu as well. In fact, the militant Buddhist clergy of Sri Lanka have always been a thorn in the flesh of the secular Sri Lankan administration. Naturally this resulted in the Bandaranaike–Chelvanayakam Pact[1] (July 26 1957) whereby the majority in the Parliament promised educational, cultural and political rights to the minority Tamils in the Eastern and Northern parts of Sri Lanka. But this promise was not fulfilled. After some time, Sri Lankan Prime Minister Ms.Sirimao persuaded India to take back the Central Plantation Tamils and rehabilitated some of them in different parts of India. In fact, the Srimavo-Shastri Pact [2](also known as the Indo-Ceylon Agreement and Bandaranaike-Shastri Pact that was signed between  Late Srimavo Bandaranaike, the Prime Minister of Sri Lanka, and Late Lal Bahadur Shastri, the Prime Minister of India, on 30 October 1964). This pact provided for Indian government’s international economic aid to Sri Lanka even when India was a Net Global Aid Recipient at that time. But the local situation in Sri Lanka continued to deteriorate. Tamils were recklessly persecuted. The Sri Lankan government started implementing a policy to settle Sinhalese in predominantly Tamil areas like the North and the East. Sinhala was made the sole official language of Sri Lanka and the representation of Tamils in Sri Lankan government administration drastically declined. Even the cultural properties of Tamils in Sri Lanka could not escape the wrath of Sinhalese Buddhist chauvinism. Jaffna Library which was probably the only remaining best source to study ancient Tamil history was burnt to ashes. This was burnt down in a communal riot. By then many Sri Lankan Tamils had started migrating to Canada, Australia, Indonesia, Singapore, United States of America, Norway, and Europe.
10. These people were successful in mobilizing global public opinion against Sri Lankan atrocities against minorities. The 1980s, !990s and the early first decade of the 21st century was the period of the LTTE in northern and eastern Sri Lanka. When the Tamils were persecuted in Sri Lanka, naturally the people of Tamil Nadu were enraged. Even the people of northern Indian States conducted political rallies in different parts of India to express solidarity with the suffering Sri Lankan Tamils.Earlier  the Union of India provided moral, material, and political support to the LTTE who during their prime established an (Independent De Facto sovereign Eelam) state which however was not recognized by any of the members of United Nation. The success of LTTE during the early days was not only due to the Migrant International Tamils but also because of the substantial economic support that Mr. MGR, then chief Minister of Tamil Nadu provided to LTTE. During this time, many Jaffna Tamils migrated to India, married Indian nationals, forged documents to become Indian citizens and established lucrative business for themselves in Tamil Nadu and South India.
11. Norway pursued salutary Mediation for the resolution of Armed conflict between LTTE and Sri Lankan state. In fact, Rajiv Gandhi entered into a bilateral treaty with the Sri Lankan government. (The Indo-Sri Lanka Peace Accord, an accord signed in Colombo on 29 July 1987, between Indian Prime Minister Rajiv Gandhi and Sri Lankan President J. R Jayewardene.) [3]  Under this treaty the Sri Lankan government restored the official language status of Tamil and undertook to provide a reasonable level of self-governance to Tamils in respect of northern and eastern districts. But Sri Lanka had, right from the beginning insisted that it is a ‘Unitary state’ and not a federal policy- like Bharat which even according to our constitution is a Union of States. The Government of India, by the treaty agreed to guarantee the unity and territorial integrity of Sri Lanka which meant that the Indian Army should disarm the LTTE, if they do not voluntarily relinquish their weapons.
12. As expected, the LTTE was unwilling to give up its arms. India after having committed to ensure the territorial integrity of Sri Lanka, took its role of disarming LTTE seriously. This placed the Indian Army in the unenviable position of performing a thankless job. The IPKF fought the LTTE with one of its hands tied. Military analysts commented that Indian soldiers, due to humanitarian consideration of avoiding civilian losses suffered heavily in terms of their soldiers and even morale. The LTTE employed the military strategy of using the civilians as their military shield. In between the LTTE patched up with the Sri Lankan leadership and the Sri Lankan government directed the IPKF to leave its territory. When the IPKF returned to India as per the direction of V.P Singh government, the chief minister of Tamil Nadu Mr. Muthuvel Karunanidhi did not even send a representative to receive the returning soldiers. It is another matter that when Late V. Prabhakaran was alive, he refused to meet Kalaignar M. Karunanidhi in person to receive the economic aid that DMK party had mobilized for the different Sri Lankan Tamil Liberation Groups.
13. The return of IPKF to India facilitated LTTE’s revival. During the second round of the Eelam war, LTTE established its own sources of finance and supplemented its incomes with gun running, drug and human trafficking. By then, the LTTE had successfully and violently eliminated the very few nationalistic Tamilians who would have posed a threat to the LTTE leadership. Over a period of time, the LTTE became inimical to the eastern Tamil Muslims of Sri Lanka.They stormed a mosque at Kathankudi and killed many innocent Muslims who had assembled to pray.
14. However, with all the ups and downs, in the between the periods of ceasefire violations, the Norwegian Mediators once again came up with a viable political solution that would refranchised many plantation Tamils, provided a reasonable level of self-governance to Jaffna and Eastern Tamils, provided the LTTE gives up its army and swear by the unity and territorial integrity of Sri Lanka. Had LTTE accepted this, the India-Sri Lanka relationship would have been a lot smoother. Some, even in the LTTE leadership felt that this could have prevented the continuing violence, loses of human lives and provided political stability in Sri Lanka. It would attract windfall profits to the region from global tourists. But Late Mr. V. Prabhakaran was not willing to give up his separate Tamil Eelam demand. He launched a vicious attack against eastern Muslims. He had earlier authorised the assassination of Indian Prime Minister, Rajiv Gandhi. Meanwhile, many of the European states were unhappy with LTTE position on gun running, drug traffic, deployment of child soldiers, use of anti-personnel landmines, and forced money collections in the other parts of the world to further LTTE interests etc. After the LTTE rejected the Norwegian Peace proposals, most of the International community declared LTTE as a terrorist organization.
14. A few happenings in between deserve a mention. Ms. Indira Gandhi was sympathetic to Jaffna and other Sri Lankan Tamils. She was very generous with Sri Lanka by handing over Katchatheevu to them. She turned a blind eye to Late MGR’s support to the LTTE. But when LTTE was involved in an armed skirmish in the streets of Madras, Mr. V Pirabhakaran was arrested by the Tamil Nadu Police. Though nothing serious happened there after, Mr. Pirabhakaran was very bitter about it.
16. Before the Rajiv-Jayewardene Accord (Indo-Sri Lanka Accord), Mr. Prabhakaran was consulted by the Union of India negotiating team that included Mr. P. Chidambaram. Even before the conclusion of Rajiv-Jayewardene Accord, Mr. Prabhakaran was not in agreement with the LTTE disarmament plan. He also resented the hard ball negotiation tactics adopted by the RAW team that conducted the negotiation. Thus Late Mr. Pirabhakaran was unhappy both with the Tamil Nadu government and the Union of India,. He himself later declared Rajiv Gandhi assassination as a tragic incident. This made most of Tamil Nadu realize that the LTTE in the long run is a serious threat to the unity and territorial integrity of the Union of India. In Tamilnadu, in the poll that followed the assassination, DMK, which was then  perceived to be a Pro Tamil Eelam Party (Mr. Vai. GopalaSwamy was a DMK MP by then) received a humiliating defeat. There was a rumour that LTTE would facilitate a change in leadership in DMK, which would make it more pro LTTE. However, after the assassination, the political and economic support that Jaffna Tamils enjoyed among the Tamil Nadu population declined. This in fact, was the prime reason for the isolation and ultimate destruction of the LTTE. After the annihilation of the LTTE and the elimination of the threat to the unity and territorial integrity of Sri Lanka, in the normal course, Sri Lankan government should have granted the minimum rights, self-governance to the Tamils of Sri Lanka. But unfortunately, the Sri Lankan government had gone back on this promise once again, by settling people of Sinhalese origin in areas that were traditionally populated only by Tamils. Thus, the Tamil population is becoming a minority in both Jaffna and Eastern Sri Lankan regions. If this continues, the people of Tamil Nadu may be very unhappy with the development. This will result in the increase in political support to parties like NAAM Thamizhar (we Tamils), whose admiration for Late Mr. Pirabhakaran and LTTE is well known. They still claim that one day an independent homeland for Tamils will become a reality. In addition to this, May 17th Movement started by Mr. Thirumurugan Gandhi, Pattali Makhal Katchi (PMK), Viduthalai Chiruthaigal Katchi (Liberation Cheetahs) are even today openly Pro- Tamil Eelam and LTTE.
17. Because of the public opinion generated in Tamil Nadu, the Tamil Nadu government had recommended the release of the seven convicts in the Rajiv Gandhi assassination case. In fact, this is pending for final decision from the Tamil Nadu Governor for a very long time. These convicts have served more than 27 years of prison time. Under the normal CrPc when ‘Death punishment’ is converted to ‘Life Sentence’, the convicts normally serve a prison term for 12-14 years, thereafter qualifying for release. In fact, the continued detention of these convicts does not in any way promote India relations with Sri Lanka. Most of the Tamil population feel that they should be released. Hopefully the BJP Governor in Tamil Nadu will take a final decision in favour of the prisoners. This will not adversely affect our diplomatic relations with Sri Lanka as the LTTE is no more a serious threat to them. True; financial structure that LTTE built up in the different parts of the world still remains. Hence, the most important foreign policy challenges to the Modi government is to ensure a reasonable level of safety and self- governance to all Sri Lankan Tamils, and to enable all Sri Lankan Tamils to realize their human rights within the framework of United Sri Lanka. If this happens, the support to the above identified parties will gradually wane. Under the Srimao – Shastri Pact, there were regular academic exchange programs. Government of Tamil Nadu still provides reservation in educational institutions for ‘displaced persons’(refugees). Hence, the government of India, as part of its Global Aid Programme, should focus on the economic, social and civic aspirations of all the Sri Lankan Tamils. It should specifically address the people in the age group of 18-25 and provide for Training for job-oriented skill development programme, besides increasing the number of seats available to Sri Lankan nationals in South Indian public and private educational institutions.
18. Yet another major issue that the Union of India needs to resolve with Sri Lanka, is the issue of straying fishermen who stray into Sri Lankan territorial waters. Some parts of the Palk Strait are very narrow and the fishermen of Tamil Nadu have traditionally fished in these waters. But the government of Sri Lankan accuses Indian fishermen of using environmentally damaging practices for fishing. That part of the Bay of Bengal and India Ocean is a global Marine Diversity hotspot. Ii is not without reason that the Sethusamudharam project was abandoned despite the staunch support of the DMK. Hence, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs should negotiate a bilateral treaty with the Sri Lankan government to permit Indian and Sri Lankan fishermen so to fish in each other’s territorial waters. The apparent loss of that the Sri Lankan may believe that they may suffer in the bargain can be offset by offering educational, medical and skill development programmes for the youth of Sri Lanka either in South Indian states or in Sri Lanka itself. If this takes place the Union of India will be able to take the wind off the sail of the Tamil Eelam supporters in the Indian Tamil Nadu.   
19. All the regional political parties of Tamil Nadu including the mainstream parties state in their political manifesto that they will retake Katchatheevu from Sri Lanka. Though the mainstream political parties do this as  lip service, knowing fully well that as old Tamil proverb states “If you demand the return of something that was once gifted, enmity will follow.” Katchatheevu is a very small island devoid of any strategic or mining significance. Yet, under the [4]original treaty that ceded Katchatheevu, the Indian Tamil fishermen were granted the freedom of drying their net and catch. Furthermore, during the annual St. Antony’s annual festival, they were also given visitation rights without visa and other formalities. But after the 1980s, citing the LTTE problem and political unrest, the state of Sri Lanka suspended these rights. It was understandable then because the Union of India was sympathetic to the problems of Sri Lanka. India also faced problems from seditious terrorists in Jammu and Kashmir and the North Eastern states. Indian foreign policy planners are fully aware that once the state of Tamil Eelam comes into being, it will only be a question of time before the state of Tamil Nadu takes a similar path. Hence, enlightened self-interest compelled the Union of India to side with the state of Sri Lanka, and decisively act against the LTTE when Sri Lanka and LTTE finally clashed. By the time, the LTTE had been declared as an unlawful, prohibited terrorist organization by important European, North American and Asian countries. In the final war, during 2009, the Sri Lankan government continuously violated the obligation of States who were involved in an armed conflict against the non-combatants. True, once again, during the war, the LTTE used civilians as military shield. More than One Lakh fifty thousand innocent tamils were killed after the civilians took refuge in areas which were declared to be safe by the Sri Lankan government itself. The Sri Lankan Army also shot Prabhakaran’s young son who was not exactly a LTTE child soldier. Thus, the Sri Lanka government has been accused of committing genocide. Many countries like Canada even today  demand that there must be an impartial war crime investigation under neutral countries supervision. But the government of Sri Lanka totally rejected such a demand and India has provided diplomatic support thereby condoning the Sri Lankan violation of International Law.
20. Recently, I watched a Tamil television channel that featured Sri Lankan Tamils (LTTE sympathiser) and two prominent residents of Tamil Nadu. All the participants were unanimously in their opinion that:
a) The people of Tamil Nadu and the Union of India have become vary and cautious of the Eelam movement.
b) The LTTE was defeated only because all western nations and immediate neighbours like Pakistan, China and other Asian countries supported Sri Lanka.
c) After the LTTE became a prohibited organization, it is not anymore possible for it to raise foreign funds and further the Eelam cause.
d) Though the military infrastructure built by LTTE has been substantially destroyed by the Sri Lankan army the remnants of LTTEs economic empire continues to exist in different parts of the world.
e) In Tamil Nadu there are now many claimants to the remnants of the LTTE infrastructure. Some are more openly involved in politics and film industry.
f) A good part of the groups come from Tamil Cinema Industry. Many of these actors were once active in Tamil Cinema which gave them recognition and visibility. In fact, there have been cases where the LTTE has financed Tamil movies for commercial and political considerations. It is an open secret that many of the Sri Lankan Sinhalese investors regularly bank roll blockbuster Tamil movies featuring leading Tamil Stars. These groups still believe that Tamil Eelam demand can be received without the support of the Union of India and State of Tamil Nadu. In fact, these groups have consistently opposed the Union of India’s pet projects for the state of Tamil Nadu.
21. The Union of India has not been very communicative with the local population about the Indian foreign policy concerns and the objectives for the region. I have discussed with the Indian fishermen who believe that the problem of seizure of Indian boats and imprisonment of Indian fishermen can be avoided if a treaty provides for reciprocal rights and verifiable conditions by fishermen from both countries. Though they make noise about Katchatheevu they accept that we gifted it. If the Indian fishermen are treated well, they will not like to rescind the gift once made. Public awareness programmes should be organized at Karaikkal, Nagapatinam, Tuticorin and Dhanushkodi where all the Tamil registered fishermen or their representatives should be permitted to articulate their grievances. Later on, with their inputs India should continue the exercise with the representatives of the Sri Lankan government and Sri Lankan Tamil fishermen. Regulation of unrestricted, environmentally depredatory fishing is not in the interest of Sri Lanka or India. The protection of the endangered Palk Trait environment is a global necessity because it is a Biodiversity Hotspots.
22. Despite its poverty, illiteracy and malnutrition, India has always been a bigger power in South Asian politics. By and large, it has been gracious with its neighbours. When Myanmar and Sri Lanka sent many people of Indian origin back to India after depriving them of all their rights, India took it upon itself to rehabilitate them. Nepal has had a difficult yet tolerable relationship with India. The problem of ‘MADESHI’ people in Nepal is a thorn in the flesh of India- Nepal relation. With Pakistan of course, it has been a hostile relationship from the beginning. Without India, Bangladesh would not have been born. All these countries including Sri Lanka and Maldives are also in the Chinese sphere of influence. India has to live with that reality. Best India can do is to contain Chinese influence. They cannot remove it. All these countries periodically dish out unpleasant incidents occasionally as and when political power in these countries’ change. But by and large one can safely assert that despite the continuous onslaught of Chinese efforts to replace the importance of India, India has managed to preserve its importance. Mercifully, countries like Sri Lanka, Malaysia and Maldives are realizing that Chinese economic cooperation will slowly and steadily drag them into an inevitable debt trap. The Chinese have also not been very successful in their relationship with their immediate neighbours. China is locked in territorial disputes with all its neighbours and India is no exception. The Chinese acts of claiming large parts of South China Sea as part of its territorial water had been reprimanded by the International Court of Justice. At the same time, China is becoming a major trading partner of India.
23. With the increasing economic problems of Pakistan and consequent cut to military spending, India, at some point of time, will hopefully face less difficulties on the Pakistani border. However hard we try, our relationship with Pakistan is not going to improve because of the pathological distrust Pakistan has for India. But the same thing cannot be said about the India-Sri Lanka relationship. During the Indian Police action to liberate Goa, the Ambassador of Sri Lanka delivered a powerful speech justifying the Indian action as one absolutely essential for realizing the right of self- determination, and to eradicate the evil of colonization. In 2020 today, virtually no place in the world is under colonial domination. Functioning democracies that are Civilised Nations believe that political and economic power must be equitably shared with all members of a community irrespective of their linguistic, ethnic, religious, or geographical status. If civilized societies use oppression to belittle the right to self- governance and protection of minority rights, such a situation will always remain a threat to local and global peace.
24. It is said that in pursuit of foreign policy and diplomacy, there are no permanent friends and no permanent enemies, there are only permanent interests. Sometimes even these permanent interests ware not so permanent. The importance of an interest may increase or decrease depending on the circumstances. When the United Nation was formed, there were less than 51[5] members. Nowadays, there are 193[6] countries that are the member of the United Nation. Thus, many parts of the world which were under colonial dominance have now become self-governing, independent nations. The United Nation Trusteeship Council has virtually become extinct. These newly Independent countries have realized that the right to self-determination cannot be stretched so long and far to grant disgruntled ethnic, linguistic or religious groups a right their own independent country in pursuant of the right to self-determination. However, it is the duty and responsibility of the International community more particularly the neighbours of these states to ensure that these minorities are not persecuted. In any society, the majority will always try to impose its will on the minority and later will zealously protect its uniqueness. Both have to coexist peacefully under the legally specified parameters. Hence if we tell the Kashmiris and the people of North-East that they have no right to cede from the Indian Union, such a right should also be available to the Government of Sri Lanka. The population of Tamil Nadu is responsible and smart enough to realize this if it is communicated in a non-confrontation and polite way.
25. So far, no credible effort has been made to educate the people of the simple reality. Not surprisingly both the Government of Sri Lanka and the population of Tamil Nadu believe that the Union of India is not doing enough for either of the two parties. The people of Tamil Nadu believe that even after the elimination of the LTTE and the threat to unity and integrity of Sri Lanka, Tamil groups continue to suffer discrimination and persecution in Sri Lanka. On the other hand, for the Government of Sri Lanka  is unhappy with the Union of India, as it is turning a blind eye to the activities of fringe Tamil groups in Tamil Nadu who continue to eulogise the LTTE and Late V. Pirabhakaran. In fact, last year I visited Madurai District Court bar association. The chambers of most advocates flaunted the pictures of Late Prabhakaran and expressions of support to Tamil Eelam and the LTTE. Mr. Pirabhakaran was a prime accused in the Rajiv Gandhi Murder Case. The LTTE, till date, remains a prohibited organization under the Indian Constitution. In these circumstances, parties like NAAM Tamilar, PMK and VCK profess support to the LTTE and coordinate their efforts for the realization of Tamil Eelam with or without the support of the state of Tamil Nadu or the Union of India. They support such causes by monetary donations and political support. They draw support from the remnants of the LTTE’s economic empire. To me, such an act is undoubtedly an offence under Section 125 of the Indian Penal Code and the other offences under the recent prevention of Money Laundering Act. In fact, Mr. Thirumungan Gandhi had challenged the Union of India to establish that there is some connection between the pro-LTTE groups in Tamil Nadu and channelization of funds from abroad to further the cause of Tamil Eelam. There must be credible prosecution in normal courts of law, rather than under the National Security Act or similar preventive detention laws. Each time the High Court of India sets aside the preventive detention of such persons, the credibility of the Union of India as the protector of Tamil interest in Sri Lanka takes a very serious beating. The main complaint of the Union of India is that Pakistan tolerates and in fact, encourages individuals and institution by providing them a safe sanctuary for fomenting terrorism in Kashmir. In all fairness, we should respect the Sri Lankan point of view in a similar situation. Until the fringe Tamil groups are restrained in Tamil Nadu within the parameters of the law, the Sri Lankan dissatisfaction with India will persist.
26. A sceptic would say that educating the general public about Government Policies is the primary job of political parties and not the job of the External Affairs Ministry. Traditionally, the Ministry of External affairs is not in the limelight of national politics. Most of the job is done by Home Ministry, intelligence agencies and informal spy networks that seek to influence or buy up local political leaders rather than educating the general public about the merits of a proposal and about the advantages of implementing such proposals. The government, particularly Ministry of External Affairs should encourage Non-Government Organizations, private and public universities  to carry out educational philanthropy and other social activities that would foster genuine friendship between the people of different countries. To begin with, it would be a good idea for the Union of India to establish BIMSTEC University in Singapore or an Indian University in Sri Lanka, institute schhloarships all in the region and help these countries to achieve their educational policy goals as decided by them. In the long run, integration of the Sri Lankan market with that of the economy of South and South East Asia would  facilitate an economic  union on the lines of European Economic Community. Even the most optimistic of international observers will recognize that it will take a minimum of five to ten decades if the bilateral issues and irritants these countries are gradually removed. To begin with, the Union of India should persuade Law Schools in Tamil Nadu and South Asia to conduct Fact Finding Workshops, Literacy programmes and Symposium on these important issues facing the nation. Good democracy demands that even Foreign Policy is Transparent.

[1] The agreement was signed between the Sinhala Prime Minister SWRD Bandaranaike and the Tamil Leader SJV Chelvanayakam on 25 July 1957. On April 9 1958, Mr. Bandaranaike under the pressure form extremist Buddhist monks, unilaterally abrogated the pact.
[2] Officially, it is known as ‘Agreement on Persons of Indian Origin in Ceylon.’ It was a significant agreement in determining the status and future of the Indian  origin people in Celyon.
[3] The accord was expected to resolve the Sri Lankan Civil War by enabling the Thirteenth Amendment to the Constitution of Sri Lanka and provisional councils of 1987.
[4]  In 1974, Katchatheevu was ceded to Sri Lanka by the then Prime Minister of India, Mrs. Indira Gandhi through the Indo-Sri Lankan Maritime agreement to settle the maritime boundaries in Palk Strait with her counterpart Simavo Bandaranaike- South Asia Journals
[5] The United Nation was established by the Charter of the United Nations and Statute of  the International Court of Justice. The Charter was Signed on 26 June 1945 and the representatives of 50 countries. Poland signed on 15 October 1945. There were 51 Founding Members in 1945.
[6] There are 195 countries in the world today. 193 countries are part of the United Nations and two countries that are non-member observer states are Holy See and State of Palestine.


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